Welcome to M.A. Reflexology

mind - body - healing

Passionate About Health

About Me

Hi, I am Marsha and I have been qualified as Reflexologist since 2015. I am also qualified in Fertility Reflexology and Indian Head Massage.

I first came across Reflexology in 2006 after a few years of infertility and pregnancy loss. My mum suggested trying Reflexology after reading an article in a magazine on how effective this therapy can be for fertility. I made an appointment; a few treatments later, I had my good news!

Four gorgeous children later. I believe it was the best decision I made to qualify as a Reflexologist. Reflexology quite literally changed my life!

I am so looking forward to meeting you and helping you along your health and wellness journey.



Benefits of Reflexology

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is an ancient, holistic complementary health therapy which dates back over 5,000 years. It is based on the principle that different points on our feet, lower leg and hands called the reflex points, correspond with different areas of our body via the nervous system.  

First references to reflexology were made around 2,500 BC as seen in Egyptian Papyrus documents depicting treatment on feet and hands. Other Stone carvings and studies showed that these ancient Egyptians understood the body as an integrated system. Early versions of reflexology were also found in China and India. 

Reflexology is a non-invasive massage treatment involving gentle pressure which is applied to the feet, and/or hands. There are thousands of nerves in these areas - with around 15,000 in your feet. This is the reason the effects of reflexology are so calming and relaxing. It is a therapeutic treatment, which stimulates the reflex points in those areas to bring about a balance to the whole body. The treatment enables the body to work in harmony and creates a feeling of well-being, encouraging the body's own healing process. 

​Reflexology is an excellent treatment for many long-term and chronic conditions and suitable for all ages. It is safe for pregnant women, although you are advised to find an experienced practitioner if you are pregnant.

Reflexologists view the feet as a mirror image of the body and so when massage is applied in the feet, it treats the corresponding organs in the body.​This type of massage unblocks the areas in the energy channels of the body, believed to be a cause of illness, allowing energy to flow freely and heal any damage.

What are the benefits?

Reflexology is a natural, non-invasive therapy which can be used as a stand alone treatment or used alongside conventional medicine. The benefits are wide-ranging and include:



When we are stressed our body’s defences break down and we become more susceptible to illness and disease. Reflexology reduces stress by generating deep tranquil relaxation, helping the body balance itself and allowing healing energy to flow.



Blood needs to flow freely throughout the body carrying oxygen and nutrients to all the cells and removing the waste products of metabolism and other toxins. By reducing stress and tension, reflexology allows the cardiovascular vessels to conduct the flow of blood naturally and easily.

Stimulated Nerve Function

By stimulating more than 7,000 nerves in the feet, reflexology encourages the opening and clearing of neural pathways. It interrupts pain pathways, reducing pain.

Improved Immune System

Reflexology stimulates the lymphatic system thus reducing risk of infection. It cleanses the body of toxins and impurities and also stimulates the production of endorphins, leading to an improved immune system and sense of well-being.



Reflexology revitalises energy throughout the body by relaxing and opening up energy pathways

Fertility Reflexology

Are you finding it difficult to conceive?? Do you have hormonal imbalances or finding it a very stressful time?

Fertility Reflexology is suitable for both women and men who need a little help to enhance their body’s natural healing process, balancing hormones, reducing stress and promoting a healthy and safe environment - all of which can help to make the process of conception a little easier. 

Reflexology is a massage technique that is applied to specific acupressure points on the feet, making it a safe and non-evasive massage treatment which can be used alongside medical procedures such as IVF, ICSI or medication. 

As it is a holistic therapy, it is more effective when a healthy lifestyle is incorporated alongside the treatments. This includes a healthy diet with lots of antioxidant fruits and vegetables, whole grains, omega 3's and making sure to keep well-hydrated every day. It is also important to include regular exercise, relaxation techniques and having a good work/life balance. As a reflexologist, I tailor each session according to the individual needs.

Fertility Reflexology can help with the following conditions:


Polycystic ovaries

Hormone imbalances

Assisted conception such as IVF and ICSI

Poor sperm mobility

Pre-menstrual syndrome 

Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes


Stress and anxiety

Unexplained infertility

Secondary infertility


What can I expect at my first appointment?

Your first reflexology treatment will last approximately 1 ½ hours. This includes a free consultation along with the treatment. This information taken in the consultation will be confidential and involves a confidential medical and lifestyle history. This is very informal and lets us get to know each other, which will help me to build a tailor made treatment for you. You will be asked to sign a consultation form confirming your personal details and permission for me to treat you. Before your treatment starts I will ask you to remove your shoes, socks or tights. After the treatment you will be offered a glass of water and a light refreshment if you need it. I will discuss with you any imbalances that I have found during the treatment and also any reactions that you may experience.

How many treatments will I need?

There is no 'one size fits all' approach to reflexology. The number of treatments will vary according to the client's health and why they are having the treatment in the first place. Results for reflexology have a cumulative effect - that is, treatments are more effective from having regular treatments.  As your practitioner, I will look at your medical history and current condition and recommend a number of treatments. To get a general idea, if you have a long-term condition a weekly treatment for around 6-8 weeks may be recommended. If you would like reflexology for relaxation, a monthly session may be sufficient. Positive benefits of reflexology are felt even after one session. This will depend on your specific health needs and your desired outcome. Ideally weekly for a few weeks, then reduce to a monthly programme. Reflexology has been shown to have a positive and beneficial effect on people, but after two or three treatments if you feel not benefit then it is advised that you do not continue and perhaps try another form of complementary therapy. 

What reactions will I expect?

Reflexology should not hurt, but there may be tender spots indicating that the corresponding area of the body is out of balance. ​

Some people may be worried about their ticklish feet. Rest assured this should not be a problem. The firm pressure we use and slower movements normally eradicate the ticklish effect. 

The majority of people report a feeling of relaxation during and after treatment and most will experience a restful sleep the night following a treatment. Many reactions will be subtle after the first treatment. You can consider reactions as a positive sign of your body becoming balanced. 

Reactions you may expect in the first 24-48 hours include:

Feeling more relaxed

Increased energy

Feeling cold or hot

Increased urination or bowel movements

Runny nose

Feeling thirsty/emotional/tearful

Temporary worsening of presenting/underlying conditions

What conditions can reflexology treat?




Fluid retention



Menstrual problems

Menopausal/peri-menopausal symptoms


Muscular problems/neck and shoulder pain

Irritable bowel syndrome    

and much more...

How do I prepare before treatment?

Not much is needed.  It is advisable not to eat a heavy meal two hours before a treatment as you may feel sick or uncomfortable. Reflexology promotes detoxification so it is advisable to drink lots of water the day you are having a treatment to help your body in this process. 

You do not have to bring anything to the treatment,  just yourself and your feet! The treatment will take place with you reclining in a Lafuma chair (provided by me). You will remove your shoes and socks and your feet will be refreshed. A  blanket will be provided, should you feel cold.

What happens to my personal information?

“Please be aware that if you send me any sensitive medical/health information, I will only hold and use this if we proceed to treatment, at which time I will require explicit consent from you to hold this data. If we do not proceed to treatment I will erase this information.”

What can expect from a reflexology treatment?

People respond very differently to reflexology although most feel very relaxed, sleep well and feel a sense of wellbeing with an increase in energy levels the next day. Occasionally clients have reported a headache after their first session. It is best to plan a quiet evening, if possible, to allow the effects to settle in to your system. 

​Once you are relaxed in the reclining chair and your feet have been prepared, ill begin with gentle relaxing massage. The treatment will then continue through a sequence treating all systems and organs with pressure massage. The pressure applied is not painful but neither is it too light that it tickles! 

The right foot will be treated first followed by the left, the treatment is completed by a sequence of deep breathing and energy balancing exercises.

Are there any side effects from a treatment?

Most people feel very relaxed and calm after a treatment and you may feel either tired or energised. Clients often report that they sleep very well the night following a treatment and wake up feeling energised and calm. It is also common to need to urinate more frequently after a treatment. 

It is advisable to drink lots of water after a treatment and to avoid alcohol for 24 hours if you can to help with the detoxification process.  

On rare occasions a client may experience a “healing crisis”, this is when the symptom or symptoms that are being treated by the reflexology temporarily worsen as the body starts to rebalance and heal. This is usually a turning point and the condition being treated usually begins to improve after the crisis. This is very uncommon but if it is experienced please let me know as soon as possible so advice and assistance can be given.

When is it unsuitable to treat?

I will take a detailed medical history at your first appointment, but If you have any specific medical problems, please inform me before you arrive for your first session.

The Association of Reflexologists recommends that we do not work with the following:

A history of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Anything that increases the circulation may move a blood clot, e.g. a hot bath, running for a bus and as reflexology is believed to improve the circulation, it too may shift a clot. It is best not to take the risk.

A history of pregnancy loss. This is one of those situations where the Association of Reflexologists has recommended we don’t work in the event that a pregnancy spontaneously miscarries. Many of my clients come regularly for reflexology to balance their bodies in preparation for a healthy pregnancy. 

Contagious or notifiable diseases e.g. measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough or glandular fever.

Please re-arrange your appointment with me if you are experiencing the following:

  • a new continuous cough
  • a high temperature
  • a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)
  • a positive covid test If you have been in contact in the last 14 days with someone who has been diagnosed with or suspected of having Covid-19 or been contacted by NHS Test & Trace team and advised to self isolate.
Can children and babies be treated?

Children respond well to reflexology and many love it. I give children a shorter version of 45 minutes. Children under 16 are to be accompanied by an adult. Please contact me to discuss at info@mareflexology.co.uk

Covid Guidelines

I adhere to the guidelines set out by the Government and the Association of Reflexologists:

Clients should attend the appointment on their own where possible.

Clients are advised to wear a face-mask. I will be wearing one.

Hand sanitiser will be provided on entering and exiting the building.

All handrails and door handles will be sanitised before and after each client.

All hard surfaces in the treatment room and bathroom and all equipment used will be sanitised before and after each client.

Seats and the therapy couch coverings will be sanitised and soft coverings refreshed after each client.

All appointments are spaced out where possible to allow for clearing the air and cleaning of the room.

Please arrive at the time of your appointment as I cannot accommodate additional people due to Covid guidelines and privacy.

Treatments & Prices

Reflexology Massage - 60 minutes - £40

A one-hour treatment, working all the reflexes. This treatment benefits the whole body and can be tailored according to the client's specific needs. 

Fertility Reflexology - 60 minutes - £40

Reflexology has been shown to increase a woman's fertility through balancing her body - particularly the reproductive system. Is also beneficial for men who need to boost their fertility. An ideal treatment to have as a couple. Please enquire regarding couples' prices.​

Reflexology - 75 minutes - £50

Indulge in 75 minutes of calm, balance and harmony.

Book 5 Reflexology sessions & get the 6th for free - £200

Book five Reflexology sessions and receive the sixth treatment for free

Indian Head Massage - 45 minutes - £40

Indian Head Massage brings on a sense of relaxation, calm and wellbeing. The massage works on the upper back, neck, shoulders, head and face. It can also

  • Increase circulation of blood and the lymphatic system.
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Boost memory and concentration
  • Eliminate toxins from the body.
  • Relieve stress and tension
  • Relieve aches and pains
  • Improve sleep
  • help with stiff neck
  • Improve eyestrain
  • Promote haoir growth & enhance the condition of your hair

Self-Care Deluxe Package - 90 minutes - £85 (Available from 1 November 2024)

Relax back for an hour and a half of self-care and relaxation. Perfect for a bit of 'me-time' or a as a gift for a loved one. This package includes:

  • Herbal or Himalayan salts foot soak & hot towels
  • Choice of Herbal Tea
  • Indian Head Massage (lying down) - 25 minutes
  • Reflexology - 70 minutes
  • Complimentary self care gift

  • Also can be purchased as a Gift. Please message me for the details - 07958603644

Gift Voucher

Click the button below to purchase a gift voucher.

What my clients say...

Get In Touch

Contact Me

Thornton Heath

T: 07958 603 644

E: info@mareflexology.co.uk

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday: 09:30 am – 3:00 pm 

Evening Appointments available: 5pm, 5.30pm (Tues - Thurs only)

Saturday/Sunday - CLOSED